Praying for You Greeting Card

Praying for You Greeting Card

$4.00 $3.00

Life is full of special moments. Slowing down to write a card makes it even more special. Tell your friend or family that you care for them in desperate times with this comforting floral “praying for you” card!

Get it as a part of the 6-pack of “Essential Occasions” greeting cards!

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Product Details

A2 Greeting Card Size: 4¼”x5½”

Printed on 100 lb. felt textured paper

Blank Inside

White Euro flap envelope included

Packaged in clear plastic sleeve and shipped in a rigid mailer as a package

Shipping Details

Greeting cards will be shipped within 3-5 days of order date. Shipping will take an additional 2-5 days. You will receive an email confirmation of your order and an email advising you of its shipment with tracking information. Please note that while I wish I could hand deliver each of your orders with a smile (and/or a pizza!), the package is in the hands of the USPS personnel once it leaves the Ascribing Glory studio! AG is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or undeliverable goods once packages go out for shipping. Of course, I will try my best to help if there are any issues with shipping!

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